17 March 2011

POTD 76 of 365

So - my first foray into push processing went...That's it, just went.

The negs are still wet, so, I can't scan them yet, but, to my untrained eye, they look underexposed. I can see detail, to be sure, but, they're very light right now, which, of course, translates into very dark once the colors get inverted. We'll see how they turn out.

I've also got a milky streak on my negatives that I've never seen before. It looks like it wasn't fixed enough, but, if anything, I over-fixed and over-agitated it, because my previous two development cycles left me with purple negatives, and I'd hoped to remedy that by a slight increase in fixing time, coupled with a longer and more vigorous rinse. It may be that the streaks will disappear as the negs dry, and the only reason I've never seen this before is that I didn't scrutinize my wet negatives the same way I've examined these.

In shooting-related news, I took a few shots of a tree today, once with a red filter, one with green, and one with yellow. Of the three, I expect the yellow will be the one I like the most, but, that's all going to depend on the exposure now, isn't it?

We'll see where it goes. The negs are drying pretty quickly, so, I may kill some time to see if I can put at least 12 frames on the scanner before bed.

And, yup. Way too dark. Pretty much all of the shots on the roll were too dark. I fixed what I could in Photoshop, but, it appears I need to either increase my development times, or, maybe just pick a lower ISO on the camera.


No detail on the tree, and this required a ton of adjustment in PS. Well, live and learn, right?

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